Thursday, February 20, 2014

Little Man in Training

Love my family.  The littlest man in the group did not shirk the task of clearing the ice and snow from the drive way.  He insisted on being outside with the men, as well as bringing his own helmet to get the job done.  

Ivan - 3 year old little man.

Learning from Daddy and Poppi
how to get the job done!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Moments, Days, Time You Can't Recover

The trouble with life is that the old clock just keeps ticking away.  You can't stop it. You can't slow it down.  You can't get back the time that is gone from you.

Some people express their love through the gift of time.  I'm like that.  If I give you part of my day, it's huge.  

These days and weeks and months; it's a sacrifice.  It's not that I don't enjoy the life I live, I do.  But there are things of great importance that are missing.

I'd rather be doing this every day.

But find myself doing this instead.